Sunday, 20 September 2015

QUALITY DAILY TIME WITH THE LORD. (Joshua 1:7-8, Psalm 33:1-15)

   In any relationship that is going to grow, there must be effective communication. If there was some more communication between man and God;then there is no relationship.
   If one wants to grow spiritually, One must communicate effectively with God, has son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In every asking, there is always a waiting time where God listens to the prayers and meditations for the person who prays. Then in due time, God will grant the request of the believer.
    A regular quiet time will help us to grow in our knowledge and understanding of God's word, works and ways. We will be equipped with the service of God. During the quiet time, we can receive direction, spiritual food, nourishment and nutrients. It also gives spiritual maturity and growth.
   Quiet time has two parts namely : Prayer and Word part. The quality of time we spend with God is far better than the quantity. In conclusion, we need to make the Holy Spirit our teacher and councillor. 

Friday, 18 September 2015


 Asalam alaikum warahmatulahi

 Allah! La ilaha illa huwa(none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
 Say (O Muhammed SAW): "Invoke Allah or invoke the most Beneficient(Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him(it is the same), for to Him belong the Best Names. And offer your Salat neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between.

Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said: "To God belongs all names, 100 ninus 1, anyone who memories them will enter paradise; He (God) is odd, and He loves odd munber (such as 99).

Ar-Rahman        The Beneficient
Ar-Rahiim           The merciful
Al-Malik               The Sovereign
Al-Quddus           The Holy
Al-Salaam           The source of peace
Al-Muhmin          The Guardian
Al-Muhaymin      The Masterful
Al-'Aziiz                The Almighty
Al-Jabbar             The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir     The Majestic
Al-Khaliq              The Creator
Al-Baariu             The Evolver
Al-Musawwir       The Fashioner
Al-Gaffar              The Oft-forgiving
Al-Qahhar            The Subduer
Al-Wahhab          The Bestower
Ar-Razzaq            The provider
Al-Fattahu           The Opener
Al-'Alim               The All-knowing
Al-Qoobid            The Constrictor
Al-Basit                The Expander
Al-khafid              The Abaser
Ar-Raafiu              The Exalter
Al-Mu'izzu            The Honourer
Al-Mudhill            The Dishonourer
Al- Samii'u           The All-Hearing
Al-Basiir               The All-Seeing
Al-Hakam             The Judge
Al-'Adlu                 The Just
Al-Latiif                 The Kind
Al-Khabiir              The All-aware
Al-Haliim               The Forbearing One
Al-'Aziim               The Supreme
Al-Gafuur             The All-Forgiving
Ash-Shakuur        The Appreciative
Al-'Aliyyu              The Most High
Al-Kabiir               The Most Great
Al-Hafiiz                The preserver
Al-Muqitt              The maintainer
Al-Hasiib               The Reckoner
Al-Jaliil                  The Sublime one
Al-Kariim              The Generous One  
Al-Raqiib              The Watchful
Al-Mujiib              The Responsive
Al-Waasi'u           The All-Embracing
Al-Hakiim            The All-Wise
Al-Waduud          The Loving One
Al-Mojiid              The Glorious One
Al-Baa'ith             The Resurrector
Al-Shahiid            The witness
Al-Haqqu              The Truth
Al-Wakiil              The Trustee
Al-Qawiyyu         The All- Powerful
Al-Waliyyu          The Protector
Al-Motiin             The Most Firm
Al-Hamiid            The Praiseworthy
Al-Muhsii             The Reckoner
Al-Mubdiu            The Originator
Al-Mu'iid               The Restore
Al-Muhyii             The Giver of Life
Al-Mumiit             The Annihilator
Al-Hayyu              The Omniscient
Al-Qoyyuum         The Dominant
Al-Wajiid               The Entire
Al-Moojid              The Illustrous
Al- waahid           The Unique
Al-Ahad                 The One
Al-Samad              The Besought of All
Al-Qoodir               The Potent
Al-Muqtadir          The Omnipotent
Al-Muqaddim        The Adviser
Al-Muakh-khir       The Delayer
Al-Awwal               The First
Al-Aakhir                The Last
Al-Zoohir               The Manifest
Al-Baatin               The Hidden
Al-Waalii                The Governor
Al-Muta'alii           The Transcedent
Al-Barru                The Source of all Goodness          
Al-Tawwaab         The Acceptor of Repentance
Al-Muntaqim        The Avenger
Al-Afuwwu           The Condoner
Al-Rauuf               The subtle One
Moolikul-Mulk     The king of all Kings
Dhul-Jalaali Wal-Ikraam    The Owner of Majesty and Honour
Al-Muqsit              The Equitable
Al-Jammi'u            The Gatherer
Al-Ganiyyu            The Rich
Al- Mugnii              The Enricher
Al-Mooni'u             The Preventer
Al-Door                  The Inflictor
Al-Noofi'u              The Benefactor
Al-Nuur                  The Light
Al-Haadii                The Guide
Al-Badii'u               The Inventor
Al-Baaqii                The Everlasting
Al-Waarith             The Inheritor
Al-Rashid                The Guide to the right path
Al-Sobuur               The All-patient

  Allah knows best!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015


    Today is the day that one of S L T's most beautiful girl adds a year to her age. Though,It falls on a weekday but it is still worth celebrating.

    Adejoke Jubril, we at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class to celebrate you and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy, happiness, blessings, wisdom, protection, peace and good tidings. Have fun and enjoy your day. God bless you. 


    Today is the day that one of S L T's handsome guys adds another year to his age. Though it falls on a weekday, it is Still worth celebrating.
     JESSE CHRISTOPHER, We at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class to celebrate you and wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy, happiness, blessings, wisdom, protection, peace and protection.. God bless you and have a blessed day. 

Friday, 11 September 2015


   One of the distinctive features of islam is its emphasis on knowledge. The Quran and the islamic tradition(sunnah) invites muslims to seek and acquire knowledge, wisdom and to hold men of knowledge in high esteem.
In the Holy Quran the word al-ilm(knowledge) and its derivatives are used more than 780 times. The first few verses that were revealed to our Holy prophet (saw) mention the importance of reading, pen and teaching for human beings: READ "in the name of your lord who created, He created man from something which clings. Read and your Lord is the most generous, who taught with Pen. Taught man what he knew not... "(96: 1 to 5)
In the islamic traditions, there are many words of praise for knowledge and learned. It is also obvious that the decline of Ummah is a direct result of our failure to fulfil our islamic duty to pursue science, knowledge and progress. All the calamities that our Ummah suffers from illegal invasions, occupations, poverty, terrorism, civil war could have been prevented if we, as muslims, did everything we possibly could to improve our output as an Ummah in scientific research, entrepreneurship, industry and intellect.
In Islam, knowledge comes before action; there can be no action without knowledge, as Allah says:
"so know (O Muhammad) that Laa ilaaha ill-Allah(none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sins, and also for (the sins of) believing men and women" (Muhammad 47:19)
Allah warns every Muslim against speaking without knowledge, as He says: " And follow not(O man, i.e., say not, or do not, or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and he heart of each of those ones will be questioned by Allah" (al-Israa' 17:36)
Islam calls us to seek knowledge. The messanger(saw) made seeking knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim, and he explained that the supriority of the one who has kbowledge over the one who merely worships is like the superiority of the moon over every other heavenly body. He said that the scholars are the heits of the Prophets and that the prophets did not leave behind dinars and dirhams(i.e., money), rather their inheritance was knowledge, so whoever acquires it has gained a great share. And he(saw) said: "whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to paradise easy for him."(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, Kitaab al-'ilm, 10)
Islam calls us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Branches of knowledge vary in status, the highest of which is knowledge of sharee'ah, then knowledge of medicine, then the other fields of knowledge.
The best of all branches of knowledge are the sciences of sharee'ah through which man comes to know his Lord, and his prophets and messengers; He taught it to him so that he might teach it to mankind: "Indeed, Allah confered a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a messenger(muhammad)from among themselves, reciting unto them His verses(the Quran), and purifying them(from sins by their following him)and instructing them in the Book and Al-Hikmah(the wisdom and sunnah of the prophet(i.e., his legal ways, statements and act of worshio), while before that they had been in manifest error" (Aal'imraan 3:164), in everything we do as the Islamic core value of Ihsan(excellence)dictates.
Some Muslims don't pay attention to worldl'y knowledge as they think that religious knowledge is all that matters. This view is against Islamis perspective of knowledge.
Thus pursuing knowledge in particular field of science that would help alleviate the pains of humanity and advance human progress is highly applauded and appreciated in Islam. It is our duty as Muslims to excel in all fields of life; science, knowledge, business, industry, charity and political activism. It is our duty to serve justice ansd humanity. It is also our duty as Muslims to develop this world and make it a better place for everyone.
Now, we know we have to seek knowledge, but how exactly do we do it? are few tips to help you acquire knowledge about our beautiful deen.
1. Time management
2. Pick out a small areas to focus on
3. Stay connected with the Muslim world
4. Dedicate a special time for acquiring knowledge
5. Pick an entertaining topic to start with
6. Invest in a CD or other electronic devices(on Islamic world or other innovations)
7. Keep on making dua to Allah; this is very important for the believer in every aspect of his life.
A dua you can constantly recite to help: "Allahumma inni aoothubika minal hammi wal hazni, wal ajzi wal kasali, wal bukhli, wal jubni, wa dala'id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijal"
(' O Allah, i take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men').
May Allah give us the courage and blessing to walk on the path of knowledge and stay on that path until we meet him, Insh-Allah.

Monday, 31 August 2015


  Today (31/08/15),the last day of August is the day that one of S L T's tallest and finest guys adds a year to his age. Though it is a Monday, we must still celebrate with him and wish him well.
  AKINPELU MAYOWA , We at YABAPULSE and the whole SLT class to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy, happiness, blessings, wisdom, protection, peace, love and grace. Bigger you were pray. Have fun on you day. Stay blessed and enjoy your day... . 

Sunday, 30 August 2015


    The word PECULIAR, in general terms, means, means being distinguished from others, bought or redeemed. God wants us to be in all ramifications of our Christian lives. Hence, He refers to Christians as a Chosen Generation designed to show forth the praises of him -  (1Peter 2:9). God made a promise in Exodus 19:5.
      It is expedient that we consider some of the expected attributes of the peculiar Christian. These include :
1. Being genuine born again.
2. Becoming a sanctified vessel unto honor.
3. Must be a Spirit-led believer.
4. Must be unworldly.
5. Must not be tossed by every wind of doctrine.
6. Determined to stand out.
7. Heaven-focused.

   Like the biblical Daniel, any child of God that decides to be peculiar stands to enjoy the following benefits among others.
1. He becomes a tool in God's hands.
2. He becomes God's favorite.
3. He will have access to classified information
4. His labour will not go unrewarded.
5. He shall remain a star forever.
    You have a choice to make, either to be ordinary or to be peculiar. However, those that will stand out must be willing and ready to pay the price. (2 Timothy 2:21)
Thanks for viewing, God bless you as you have a sunny Sunday. 

Saturday, 29 August 2015


Chelsea have one win, one draw and one loss in the league, Manchester City have won their matches while Liverpool have two wins and one draw.

Chelsea XI vs. Crystal Palace: Courtois; Ivanovic, Cahill, Zouma, Azpilicueta; Matić, Fàbregas, Pedro, Willian, Hazard; Costa.

Crystal Palace XI vs. Chelsea: McCarthy; Ward, Dann, Delaney, Souaré; McArthur, Cabaye, Zaha, Puncheon, Sako; Wickham.

Man City XI vs. Watford: Hart; Sagna, Mangala, Kompany, Kolarov; Fernandinho, Yaya Toure, Silva; Sterling, Navas, Agüero

Watford XI vs. Man City: Gomes; Nyom, Prödl, Cathcart, Holebas; Behrami, Capoue; Jurado, Ighalo, Abdi; Deeney

Liverpool XI vs. West Ham: Mignolet; Clyne, Skrtel, Lovren, Gomez; Lucas, Can, Milner; Firmino, Coutinho, Benteke.

West Ham XI vs. Liverpool: L; Tomkins, Reid, Ogbonna, Cresswell; Obiang, Kouyate, Lanzini, Noble; Payet, Sakho.


FULL TIME: Liverpool 0 – 3 West Ham. Goals from Lanzini, Mark Noble and Diafra Sakho sees West Ham win at Anfield for the first time in 9 years

90+ FULL TIME: Chelsea 1 – 2 Crystal Palace: Falcao equalizes for Chelsea after Bakary Sako opened the scoring but an immediate effort just after Chelsea’s goal sees Joel Ward give Palace a famous victory.

Jose Mourinho’s 100th Premier League game at Stamford Bridge has been spoilt by a stunning performance from Crystal Palace.

90+ FULL TIME: Manchester City 2 – 0 Watford. Sterling and Fernandinho continue City’s excellent start to the season

90+ GOOOOAAALLLL Sakho scores again for West Ham. Liverpool have been dreadful today

90+ Manchester City have two minutes of added time to see out their game. They lead Watford at the Etihad stadium 2-0 (Sterling and Coutinho)

90+ FIVE MINUTES! That’s how many minutes of stoppage time Chelsea have to find a second equaliser.

88′ Matt Jarvis comes on for the impressive Payet

87′ A debut for Kelechi Iheanacho who replaces the impressive Raheem Sterling

85′ Yellow card for Liverpool’s Danny Ings as Manuel Lanzini comes off for Recce Oxford

84′ Kenedy tries his luck from 30 yards. He hits his shot cleanly but straight at McCarthy.

83′ Yohann Cabaye comes off for Joe Ledley while Bakary Sako is replaced by Chung-Yong Lee

82′ OOOOOHHHH DEAR Palace score again. Chelsea were level for less than two minutes. Sako directs Bolasie’s cross back into the six-yard box, where Ward is on hand to head into the unguarded net.

81′ GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL Falcao equalizes for Chelsea. Pedro whips in a dangerous ball from the right and Falcao gets in front of his marker to steer a header past McCarthy at the near post.

79′ RED CARD: Mark Noble receives his marching orders for a foul on Danny Ings. Really reckless but shouldn’t have been a straight red

78′ Most teams would be sitting back and parking the bus when protecting a 1-0 lead at Chelsea. Palace are not resting on what they have, though, and are pushing for more goals

78′ Watford boss, Flores removes Etienne Capoue for Ben Watson

75′ David Silva comes off for Fabian Delph. The Spaniard has been impressive today

74′ Chance for Palace but Bolasie turns a cross wide at the far post, under pressure from Ivanovic.

73′ Watford remove Odion Ighalo and replace him with Miguel Layun

73′ Mourinho brings on Loftus-Cheek in place of Nemanja Matic

71′ Yellow for Cabaye for a foul on Fabregas.

70′ Yellow card for Lucas for a reckless challenge

70′ OVER BY HAZARD! Some patient build-up from Chelsea sees Pedro lay the ball off to Hazard on the edge of the area, but he clears the crossbar with his sweeping effort.

67′ another Chelsea sub – Kenedy on for his debut. Azpilicueta off with 67 minutes on the clock. The attacking Brazilian goes to left-back

66′ Instant Chelsea substitution – Falcao on for Willian.Attacking move by Mourinho

65′ GOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLL in the Chelsea/Palace match. Good attacking move on the left sees Soaure find Bolasie, whose cross finds Sako. He is initially blocked by Azpilicueta but smashes his second attempt into the roof of the net.

63′ OFF THE LINE! Chelsea are awarded a corner after Pedro’s shot was deflected wide following a strong run from Costa and, from the resulting kick, Cahill’s deflected header is cleared away by the well-placed Sako.

62′ Chelsea are yet score in their match against Crystal Palace

61′ Yellow Card for Watford’s Sebastian Prödl

60′ SUBSTITUTION: Danny Ings comes on for Firmino while Abdi is replaced by Ikechi in the Manchester City vs Watford game

59′ Bolasie has just been sent on by Pardew in place of Zaha, who had been the quieter of the two Palace wingers in all fairness. The substitute will add plenty of pace and flair to the visitors’ attacks.

53′ SHOT! From a very, very long way out Dejan Lovren has a crack at goal and certainly gets hold of his shot. Randolph however, is right behind it and comfortably holds on to it.

52′ GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL for Man City. Fernandinho scores from a Silva assist. Toure’s freekick is blocked as far as Silva who expertly sets uo the Brazilian for the second goal

51′ Red card for Coutinho. The Brazilian collects his second booking of the game for recklessly tackling the impressive Payet

49′ Diego Costa is set on the chase by Hazard and looks to shoot. Delaney gets his tackle in just in time.

47′ GOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLL Raheem Sterling scores for Manchester City. The English man tapes in Sagna’s cross

47′ Liverpool vs West Ham kicks off. Albberto Moreno comes on for Emre Can Liverpool revert to a 3-5-2.

46′ Chelsea and Manchester City kick-off their second half matches. Jesus Navas is removed as Samir Nasri takes his place on the field. The Spaniard was rather quiet in the first half but it appears it’s more a tactical change for the hosts, with Sterling moving more centrally and Silva heading out onto the right.

HT in all matches being played at this moment

45+ Yellow card for Phillepe Coutinho for protesting a yellow car

45+ Chelsea goes into the break level with Crystal palace. Same in the Manchester City vs Watford match

45+ Four minutes of added time in the Liverpool vs West Ham match

44′ DOUBLE SAVE by McCarthy who block’s Costa’s powerful driven effort and the rebound by Fabregas

42′ Yellow card for Vncent Kompany for reckless challenge on Jurado

40′ A good Blues move ends with a chip into the danger zone by Azpilicueta – but Diego Costa’s boot can’t quite get there.

38′ Liverpool looking shaky at the back, Manchester City taking their time to attack while Chelsea have met a brave Palace side who are attacking with pac

37′ Yellow card for Mark Noble for a foul on Emre Can

31′ Palace are having a real go at this. Sako tries his luck with a driven effort from distance, but sees it flash well wide of the target. Very positive signs for the visitors, nevertheless. Crystal Palace are taking the game to Chelsea today

30′ Almost for Cabaye and Palace. Zaha lays the ball across the area and the unmarked Frenchman runs onto it, but opts for placement instead of power and Courtois saves.

29′ ANOTHER GOGOGOGOGOGOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!! for West Ham. Mark Noble scores as Lovren is bullied off the ball by Lanzini close to the touch line

27′ Watford give the ball away to Sterling in their own half and the winger drives past Nyom, with his low effort just about getting tipped around the post and out for a corner by Gomes.

24′ COURTOIS saves! Palace hit Chelsea on the counter with Sako been found in space. He bares down on goal before shooting from a tight angle and Courtois has to make a strong block to deny him

20′ ALMOST FOR PEDRO! The Spaniard cutting onto his left foot before bending an effort just wide of the far post. His signing looking like a steal for Chelsea

18′ Silva plays in the Man City corner but Deeney clears the danger for Watford. Jurado tries to counter-attack but Sterling tracks back with good pace.

16′ Watford win to consecutive corners but Man City clear their lines and win one of their own on the counter-attack.

14′ In the Man City game: Aguero spins away from Catchcart and plays in Toure, only for the official on that far side of the pitch to raise his flag for offside

13′ Meanwhile in the Chelsea game, a deflected effort by is easy for McCarthy to handle. Chelsea looking the better side now

12′ Mark Noble wins a corner off Benteke, Reind wins another corner after the initial corner is cleared by Skrtel

11′ Chelsea have met a strong Palace side today who are attacking with intent. The team is going through Ivanovic’s right hand side

8′ Zaha receives the ball in the area and looks to take on Ivanovic, who does well to deflect the Palace winger’s cross over the bar and behind for a corner.

7′ Aguero collects the ball from Silva and tries to weave his way into the penalty area, but Capoue drops back and snuffs out the danger with an important interception in the nick of time.

7′ Firmino tries a shot from 30 years with his weaker left foot but the ball hits the bar

5′ Palace already have three corners in their match against Chelsea, Lanzini’s goal is the first to be scored by a West Ham player at Anfield in nine years

4′ Abdi wins a free-kick for Watford after Toure pulls him down on the breakaway, with the Ivory Coast international perhaps a tad fortunate to not receive a yellow card for that.

3′ Two early corners for Palace, but Ivanovic heads the second one clear before an offside flag goes up. Cheelsea 0 – 0 Palace

3′ GOOOOOOAAAAALLLLL West Ham shock Liverpool. Cresswell’s cross is palyed in by Lanzini

2′ Mark Clattenburg is in charge of the Manchester City game

1′ All three matches kick off

Friday, 28 August 2015


Yesterday(27/08/15) afternoon by 4PM,the S.L.T result for all part time classes were pasted at the Science Complex building (3rd floor).
  It was met with different emotions ; Some positive, some negative, good, bad, wonderful day, fabulous etc.  But in our class ND2, it was a bittersweet tale as some had good current gp but their ND1 gp let them down.
 We at YABAPULSE thank God for the success our students had in the exams and result and we wish all classes the best this semester . Few result below. GOD BLESS......

Sunday, 23 August 2015


    Today (23/08/15)  is the day that one of SLT's big guys adds another year to his age. Though it's a Sunday, we will still celebrate with him and wish him well 
We at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class B to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we pray that God grants you blessing, protection, wisdom, peace, love and greatness. God bless you.

Saturday, 22 August 2015


       Today is the day that one of our own (S. L. Tarian) adds a year to her age and even though it's weekend and no lecture we will still wish her well.
     DAMILOLA FATUGA,  we at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class B to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we also pray that God grants her blessings, wisdom, protection, peace and protection. God bless you and have fun.


   Today (22/08/15) is the day that one of our own (S. L. Tarian) adds a year to his age. It may fall on a weekend with no school for us but we are still  going celebrate with him.
       David Ikechukwu Nwaogbue, we at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class B to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy, happiness, blessings, wisdom and protection. God bless you. 


Today (22/08/15) is the day that one of our own (S. L. Tarian) adds to her age. It may be a weekend with no school today but it's still worth celebrating.
    Bisola Olamide Christiana, We at YABAPULSE join the whole SLT class to celebrate with you on your day. We wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy and happiness. God bless you. 

Friday, 21 August 2015


      Good day all..... Below are  some of the prophet's manner and characters.
Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi

    Every muslim should try as much as possible to emulate the noble and sane manners of the Holy Prophet(S.A.W.)
1. Sound intellect
2. Doing things 4 d sake of Allah
3. Sincerity
4. Good morals, ethics and companionship
5. Politeness and good manner
6. Love for reformation and reconciliation
7. Ordering the good and forbidden evil
8. Love of purification
9. Safegaurding and minding one's language
10. Excelling in act of worship
11. Good appearance
12. Forbearance
13. Ascetism in wordly affairs
14. Altruism
15. Strong faith and dependence on Allah
16. Kindness and compassion
17. Simplification and ease
18. Fearing Allah and being mindful
19. Not trespass His limit
20. Spending generously
21. Cooperation
22. Pleasant facial expression
23. Honesty, trustworthiness and reliability
24. Bravery and courage
25. Humbleness
May Allah (s.w.t) guide us to the right path (Masha Allah).
Happy Juma't


The University of Benin (UNIBEN) POST-UTME Screening Exercise for 2015/2016 Academic Session will take place between 17th August, 2015 and 2nd September, 2015 in designated centres within Ugbowo Campus of the University. The Screening Exercise shall be conducted using the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. All candidates are expected to be seated, latest one hour before the stipulated time for the screening exercise.
PLEASE NOTE: Only candidates who applied through JAMB for UTME Admission and chose University of Benin as First Choice and scored 200 and above are eligible for this Screening Exercise.

Student's at a cbt test
All applications should be done between 7.00am 4th August, 2015 and 7.00am 13th August, 2015.

The procedure for the 2015/2016 PUTME Entry Screening application is as follows:

  1.   Visit

  2. Candidates are advised to have a valid e-mail account before starting the application process.

  3.   Click on Student Portal.

  4.   Click on Register for application. at the top left of the display page to proceed.

  5.   Enter your Surname exactly as written on the JAMB Registration slip and your JAMB Registration Number immediately, your ID and Password will be displayed on the browser.

  6.   On the, click on ‘Login’ (top right of front page).

  7.   Enter your Username and the password to login.

  8.   To start the application process, please click on ‘Application record’, provide all required information and upload your passport photograph.

  9.   Upload a RECENT and CLEAR   2.5cm x 2.5cm   COLOUR PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH WITH RED BACKGROUND IN JPEG FORMAT ONLY.NOTE that the photograph uploaded will be the only valid ID for all admitted candidates throughout their stay in the University of Benin. FAILURE TO UPLOAD THE SPECIFIED PASSPORT PHOTOGRAPH WILL LEAD TO DISQUALIFICATION and failure/forfeitures of admission.

  10.   To pay for the Application, click on “Add online payment ticket” at the bottom of the page, then click on “College Pay” on the top left corner of the page; follow the instruction to pay the application fee of N 2,000:00; (The fee excludes other charges), the PUTME past questions for N1,000:00 (optional); excluding Interswitch and Portal Services charges with an ATM-Enabled Verve or Master Card from any Commercial Bank.

  11.   A link is displayed “Download past questions to practice.

  12.   Preview and confirm your information before submitting your application online. (No correction will be accepted after the closing date. 
Print out an acknowledgement slip that contains the screening schedule .

Wednesday, 19 August 2015


   The thermodynamics assignment to be submitted today is solved below :
1. What is a diesel engine.
2. Compare and Contrast between diesel engine and petrol engine.
  1. The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine in which ignition of fuel that has been injected into the combustion chamber is initiated by the high temperature which a gas achieves when greatly compressed (Adiabatically).
   Diesel engines are made up of four strokes namely : The Intake Stroke, The Compression  Stroke, The Combustion Stroke and The Exhaust Stroke.

 2a. Similarities between petrol engine and diesel engine are :
I. They both convert chemical energy from the fuel to mechanical energy through a series of explosions.
ii They both cause environmental pollution.
iii The exhaust strokes in both engines push exhausts through the exhaust valve.
iv The combustion cycles are similar in both engines.

2b. Differences between petrol engine and diesel engine are :
1. Petrol engine has spark plug while diesel engine don't have.
2. Petrol engine uses petrol as fuel while diesel engine uses diesel as fuel.
3. Petrol engine is found in smaller vehicles eg cars and motorcycle while diesel engine is found in larger vehicles eg trucks and buses.
4. Petrol engine is less durable while diesel engine is more durable
5. Petrol engine is less expensive while diesel engine is more expensive.
6. Petrol engine has lower efficiency while diesel engine has higher efficiency. 



    This is to inform the general public
that on-line registration for the Post
– UTME Test of the Federal
University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo
(FUNAI) has commenced.
Interested candidates who made
the Federal University, Ndufu-Alike,
Ikwo their first choice in their
application for admission in the
2015/2016 academic session, and
scored 180 and above in the Unified
Tertiary Matriculation Examination
(UTME) are hereby informed that
the University Post-UTME Test for
the underlisted programmes is
scheduled to hold as follows:

Day One :           Wednesday, 26
August, 2015
Time :                  9:00am Prompt
Venue :               The University
Management Science Programmes
1. Accountancy
2. Business Administration and
Entrepreneurial Studies
3. Economics and Development

Day Two: Thursday, 27
August, 2015
Time :                  9:00am Prompt
Venue :               The University
Faculty of Humanities and Social
1. Political Science
2. Sociology
3. Psychology
4. History and Strategic Studies
5. French
6. Linguistics
7. English and Literary Studies
8. Visual Arts
9. Criminology and Security
10. Mass Communication

Day Three : Friday, 28 August,
Time : 9:00am Prompt
Venue :                The University
Faculties of Science and
Technology/Basic Medical
1. Biology
2. Microbiology
3. Biotechnology
4. Chemistry
5. Biochemistry
6. Molecular Biology
7. Physics with Electronics
8. Geology
9. Applied Geophysics
10. Mathematics
11. Computer Science
12. Statistics and Informatics
13. Anatomy
14. Physiology
15. Medical Biochemistry
16. Chemical Engineering
17. Mechanical Engineering
18. Civil Engineering
19. Computer Engineering
20. Electrical/Electronics
21. Petroleum Engineering
22. Mechatronics Engineering
Mode of Payment/Registration

Candidates are to pay a non-
refundable fee of N2000 only into
1013163988 in favour of the Federal
University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo. Please
note that draft is not acceptable.
Candidates should make payment in
   Candidates are also advised to come along with the
payment teller and the online
printout to the examination centre
as failure to do so will disqualify
such candidates from the screening

Deadline for Registration
Registration for the Post-UTME Test
closes on 25 August, 2015.
Test Requirements
Candidates are required to come
with the following items:
1. 2015/2016 original UTME
Result slip showing
candidates photo and score.
2. HB Pencil, eraser, and a ball-
point pen.
Please note that GSM
handsets, calculators or other
extraneous materials MUST
NOT be brought into the
screening venue.
For further information, please
visit the University website: Registrar
G. O. Chukwu


    Candidates applying to Chrisland University for
the 2015/2016 Academic Session are expected
to have sat for the 2015 Unified Tertiary
Matriculation Examination (UTME). Each
candidate is required to indicate the programme
of his/her choice by completing an Application

A. On the payment of Seven thousand Five
hundred naira (₦7,500.00), Application form can
be obtained from the University Portal Click here TO Apply
B. Application Forms may also be obtained from
any of the following centres upon presentation of
pay direct slip:

1. Chrisland University Owode,
Abeokuta Campus, Ajebo road

2. Chrisland High School
28, Opebi Road,
Ikeja Lagos State

3. Chrisland College
72, Ejigbo Road
Idimu, Lagos

4. Chrisland Liaison Office
1a, Lagos Street, Off Aba Road
Tel: 08186117634

5. Chrisland High School, Abuja
Plot 84, Cadastral Zone C10,
Wumba District, Off Apo Mechanic Village,

6. Chrisland High School, VGC
K-6-A Road 3, Victoria Garden City,
Ajah, Lagos.

7. The Vale College
Iyaganku, Ibadan.

   Applicants must undertake the Post –UTME
screening exercise to be conducted on Saturdays
starting from 22nd August 2015 at CHRISLAND
UNIVERSITY, Abeokuta Campus. Ajebo Road
after Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun

     Evidence of Payment; Writing
Materials HB Pencils and erasers; Original
Credentials including birth certificate.
The Screening exercise is open to all candidates
Candidates applying to Chrisland University for
the 2015/2016 Academic Session are expected
to have sat for the 2015 Unified Tertiary
Matriculation Examination (UTME). Each
candidate is required to indicate the programme
of his/her choice by completing an Application
A On the payment of Seven thousand Five
hundred naira (₦7,500.00), Application form can
be obtained from the University Portal Click here to
B Application Forms may also be obtained from
any of the following centres upon presentation of
pay direct slip.
1. Chrisland University Owode,
Abeokuta Campus, Ajebo road
2. Chrisland High School
28, Opebi Road,
Ikeja Lagos State
3. Chrisland College
72, Ejigbo Road
Idimu, Lagos
4. Chrisland Liaison Office
1a, Lagos Street, Off Aba Road
Tel: 08186117634
5. Chrisland High School, Abuja
Plot 84, Cadastral Zone C10,
Wumba District, Off Apo Mechanic Village,
6. Chrisland High School, VGC
K-6-A Road 3, Victoria Garden City,
Ajah, Lagos.
7. The Vale College
Iyaganku, Ibadan.
Applicants must undertake the Post –UTME
screening exercise to be conducted on Saturdays
starting from 22nd August 2015 at CHRISLAND
UNIVERSITY, Abeokuta Campus. Ajebo Road
after Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta, Ogun

UTME Result Slip; Evidence of Payment; Writing
Materials HB Pencils and erasers; Original
Credentials including birth certificate.
   The Screening exercise is open to all candidates
who sat for 2015/2016 UTME irrespective of
whether or not they chose Chrisland University
on their UTME Form.
Candidates awaiting their SSCE results are
eligible to apply.
    Applications forms should be submitted with the
following documents:
1. Photocopies of 2015 UTME result slip.
2. Photocopy of receipt for the purchase of
admission form if purchased offline.
3. 5 copies of passport photogragh
4. Green copy of acknowledgment card.who sat for 2015/2016 UTME irrespective of
whether or not they chose Chrisland University
on their UTME Form.
Candidates awaiting their SSCE results are
eligible to apply.
Applications forms should be submitted with the
following documents:
1. Photocopies of 2015 UTME result slip.
2. Photocopy of receipt for the purchase of
admission form if purchased offline.
3. 5 copies of passport PHOTOGRAGH.
4. Green copy of acknowledgment card.
For more information, Please call Victor on 08 107936908. 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Today (18/08/15), One of S. L. T's most beautiful lady adds another year to her age. It may be a low key thing but it is still worth celebrating.
Magdalene Ekong, We at YABAPULSE and the whole SLT class B wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY filled with joy, happiness, Grace, blessings, wisdom, protection. Stay blessed and enjoy your day cuz we love you. 

Monday, 17 August 2015


    At 5pm, we had TAXONOMY. It was quite an interesting class with no test. Lol..... . Today we discussed PHYLUM ANNELIDA. here are some of its features :
They are large and spacious, segmented metamerically, they have nephridria, they can be with or without chaetae (legs), they have well developed nervous and circulatory system, some are parasitic in nature.
They are the first set of Coelomate animals, they are called Eucoelomates.
   The classes are:
1. Arthiannelida: Fresh water annelids with fairly segmented bodies. Eg. Polygordrin sp
2. Oligarchaetae: Both terrestrial and fresh water annelids, they have both sexes and have 4 pairs of chaetae (legs)  on each segment of their bodies. Eg Lumbricus terrestrial (earthworm).
3. Polychaetae: More segmented morphologically, they exhibit cephalization(distinct head segment), they have 2 pairs of legs at each segment. They live in Seattle water only. Eg. Neries diversicolor.
4. Hirudineae: No definite body segmentation, they have annuli (false segment), they are parasitic, contains 2 sucker at their head and tail, no chaetae present as they move by muscular contraction and elongation, they also possess anticoagulant in their saliva called thirudin which enables them to suck blood easily. Eg. Hirudo medinesis (leech).

Morpholical features of Earthworm.
* They are cylindrical in shape, well segmented but not fully.
 * At max length, they are one foot long, they have two parts (ventral - dark in color and dorsal -   light in color).
* All parts of the body are segmented except the mouth and tail, the first and last segments lack Chaetae.
* On the body of the earthworm, (except 1,2,3 and last), there is nephridrio pore aperture used for my  excretion..
* Oviduct and spermateca and in a confined segment of the body.
    The lecture had to leave earlier due to the news of the death of an ND 3 student(his project student). MAY HER SOUL REST IN PEACE. AMEN.