Asalam alaikum warahmatulahi
Allah! La ilaha illa huwa(none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.
Say (O Muhammed SAW): "Invoke Allah or invoke the most Beneficient(Allah), by whatever name you invoke Him(it is the same), for to Him belong the Best Names. And offer your Salat neither aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between.
Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said: "To God belongs all names, 100 ninus 1, anyone who memories them will enter paradise; He (God) is odd, and He loves odd munber (such as 99).
Ar-Rahman The Beneficient
Ar-Rahiim The merciful
Al-Malik The Sovereign
Al-Quddus The Holy
Al-Salaam The source of peace
Al-Muhmin The Guardian
Al-Muhaymin The Masterful
Al-'Aziiz The Almighty
Al-Jabbar The Compeller
Al-Mutakabbir The Majestic
Al-Khaliq The Creator
Al-Baariu The Evolver
Al-Musawwir The Fashioner
Al-Gaffar The Oft-forgiving
Al-Qahhar The Subduer
Al-Wahhab The Bestower
Ar-Razzaq The provider
Al-Fattahu The Opener
Al-'Alim The All-knowing
Al-Qoobid The Constrictor
Al-Basit The Expander
Al-khafid The Abaser
Ar-Raafiu The Exalter
Al-Mu'izzu The Honourer
Al-Mudhill The Dishonourer
Al- Samii'u The All-Hearing
Al-Basiir The All-Seeing
Al-Hakam The Judge
Al-'Adlu The Just
Al-Latiif The Kind
Al-Khabiir The All-aware
Al-Haliim The Forbearing One
Al-'Aziim The Supreme
Al-Gafuur The All-Forgiving
Ash-Shakuur The Appreciative
Al-'Aliyyu The Most High
Al-Kabiir The Most Great
Al-Hafiiz The preserver
Al-Muqitt The maintainer
Al-Hasiib The Reckoner
Al-Jaliil The Sublime one
Al-Kariim The Generous One
Al-Raqiib The Watchful
Al-Mujiib The Responsive
Al-Waasi'u The All-Embracing
Al-Hakiim The All-Wise
Al-Waduud The Loving One
Al-Mojiid The Glorious One
Al-Baa'ith The Resurrector
Al-Shahiid The witness
Al-Haqqu The Truth
Al-Wakiil The Trustee
Al-Qawiyyu The All- Powerful
Al-Waliyyu The Protector
Al-Motiin The Most Firm
Al-Hamiid The Praiseworthy
Al-Muhsii The Reckoner
Al-Mubdiu The Originator
Al-Mu'iid The Restore
Al-Muhyii The Giver of Life
Al-Mumiit The Annihilator
Al-Hayyu The Omniscient
Al-Qoyyuum The Dominant
Al-Wajiid The Entire
Al-Moojid The Illustrous
Al- waahid The Unique
Al-Ahad The One
Al-Samad The Besought of All
Al-Qoodir The Potent
Al-Muqtadir The Omnipotent
Al-Muqaddim The Adviser
Al-Muakh-khir The Delayer
Al-Awwal The First
Al-Aakhir The Last
Al-Zoohir The Manifest
Al-Baatin The Hidden
Al-Waalii The Governor
Al-Muta'alii The Transcedent
Al-Barru The Source of all Goodness
Al-Tawwaab The Acceptor of Repentance
Al-Muntaqim The Avenger
Al-Afuwwu The Condoner
Al-Rauuf The subtle One
Moolikul-Mulk The king of all Kings
Dhul-Jalaali Wal-Ikraam The Owner of Majesty and Honour
Al-Muqsit The Equitable
Al-Jammi'u The Gatherer
Al-Ganiyyu The Rich
Al- Mugnii The Enricher
Al-Mooni'u The Preventer
Al-Door The Inflictor
Al-Noofi'u The Benefactor
Al-Nuur The Light
Al-Haadii The Guide
Al-Badii'u The Inventor
Al-Baaqii The Everlasting
Al-Waarith The Inheritor
Al-Rashid The Guide to the right path
Al-Sobuur The All-patient
Allah knows best!
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