Wednesday, 12 August 2015


On Tuesday at 5pm we had Citizenship and we had a stand in lecturer for our lecturer who was not around to take us. Our stand in lecturer discussed the following:
              MASS MEDIA
  This is a tool used for the distribution or dissemination of information to the general public. The people who engage in mass media are called JOURNALIST.  The types of mass media are:
* Print media: Eg. Magazine, Newspaper, Journal, Poster etc
*Electronic media : Eg TV., Radio, Internet etc.
    Roles of mass media are: To enlighten, to entertain, to mobilize, to advertise, to educate and to distribute information to the general public.
   Problems of mass media are: Corruption, security, gender bias, cultural problem, ideological problems and oppression by the government.
    Solutions to the problems are: Provision of security, encouragement of all gender, freedom of speech and expression law should be enforced, citizen enlightenment and education about the media, there should be support for all genders to practice journalism.
   This is when a person or a group of people exercise their legitimate and approved power on others for the benefit of the society. This is legitimately backed by the Constitution and law.
The sources of Constitution are: Legal rational, Charismatic and Traditional.
 Power is the ability to compel others to do things against their own will. It is intoxicating, non legitimate and it comes with force.
    This is an organization deliberately created for the realization of specific purposes and which use rational methods of administration than tradition to achieve their purpose.
 Disadvantages are: It is time consuming, it is not objective in nature, it is meritocracy..
  Objectives e & Principles are : objectivity, meritocracy, rationality, purposefulness, unambiguous, precision.
   Hope u all enjoyed this piece, comment to share your thoughts. Thanks and God bless. 

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