Wednesday, 12 August 2015


 On Monday after Taxonomy, we had computer at 7 pm. Before the class, there was a last-minute rush for the copying and submission of the assignment which the lecturer gave in his last class. This assignment questions and answers were exclusively available on Yaba Pulse.
    Most of the class time was wasted by the lecturer who came to the class late and laughed unnecessarily occasionally. There was light out and darkness for some minutes after he came in and it lasted for about 20 minutes. He used most of the time to distribute textbooks to the students who had paid for them to Jesse, the course rep.
     Finally, the class commenced by 7:45PM and he basically gave us this semester's course outline and here are some of the highlights:
1. To know the existing Application Packages.
2. To understand Word Processing  Packages.
3. Electronic Spreadsheet.
4. To understand the Fundamentals of Accounting Packages.
5. To understand Presentation Packages.
      The lecturer continued with his strict attitude and approach as he attended to anyone who made noise by sending them out of his class. The class was occasionally disrupted and it was even delayed for about 10-15 minutes because of a 'lady in black' didn't leave his class after he ordered her to. She eventually left and class continued till 8 45PM where it was ended.
   Quite an eventful day, hope you guys enjoyed this piece. Your Comments and suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you all. 

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