Sunday, 9 August 2015

THE CRUCIAL JUDGMENT (Matthew 25:31-46).

 Memory Verse: "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire". Revelation 20:15.
    The Bible stipulates that the destiny of man is judgment. The judgment is not miss but individual. The Bible distinguished between the book of life for the just and the lake of fire for the unjust. The judgment will be based on written testimony of the individual. The sheep(saints) will be sent into everlasting life, while the goat(sinner) will be sent into fire.
     Types Of Judgment are:
1. The White Throne Judgment (for Sinners): This is the type of judgment that leads to the lake of fire. They that will be tormented day and night in the lake of fire are: The dead whose names  were not in the book of life, the Devil, the beast, the false prophets, the fearful who compromise their faith to please man, the sorcerers, the whore mongers and the idolaters, murderers, killers, thieves etc
2. The Judgment of Believers:This is the judgment of works, words, thoughts, secrets of believers, Believers whose work shall be burnt shall suffer loss.(1 cor 3:15), Believers who engage in eye service  etc.
      CONCLUSION: Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever man soweth so shall he also reap, whether corruption to the flesh or life everlasting to the spirit.- Galatians 6:7-8.
   Thanks for reading and Have a blessed Sunday... 

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