Thursday, 6 August 2015


               SLT INFO
* Organic chemistry practical holds today (06/08/2015). Working by 5.00pm while Non-working by 2pm.....Remember to come with your Manual,Lab coat,Eye Google and Workbook for the practical.

* Thermodynamics assignment 1 &2 to be submitted next week wednesday.

* T.D (PDT 111) assignment to be submitted next week tuesday..Below is the question:
1. Reproduce the lettering and number in page 2 & 3 of the textbook.
2. Draw the lines in page 7 and identify them.
3. Make margin lines and title block.
Pls note: The lecturer instructed that all Drawing Works should be done on one drawing sheet. The drawing sheet can be divided into four parts,for each work.
Get your TD textbook at1000 naira from the course rep. Damilola. Mobile:08180510332.

* Late Course Registration forms are now available for 6000 naira and the portal will be closed permanently on 11/08/15.
For more info on late course form,contact Damien on 08079260290.
 We will appreciate your comments, suggestions and criticisms. Godbless you all...

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